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A heart toughing story of an anonymous and laboring prince│Best Moral Story

A heart toughing story of an anonymous and laboring prince│Best Moral Story

In this blog post I have narrated a heart toughing story of a prince, who had decided to leave the lavish life and live in obscurity. Hearing about this prince, you will blow your mind

Let's Start the Story

"A heart toughing story of an anonymous and laboring prince”

During the reign of Caliph Haroon al-Rashid, Abdullah bin Faraj, a famous sage, has passed away. He says that once I needed a laborer to build a wall. When I came to the base of the workers, I saw that at the end there was sitting a very gentle young man, wearing woolen clothes and holding a basket in his hand.

I went to him and asked him:

“Will you work?

He replied:

“Yes. Absolutely will.

I asked him about his daily wages and he said:

“One dirham and one daniq (sixth of a dirham) will be the labor.

When I asked him to accompany me to work, he said:

“I have one condition and that is that I will perform Zuhr prayer and Asr prayer by going to the mosque in congregation.

I accepted his condition. He came with me to my house and worked with utmost integrity throughout the day. He didn't talk to anyone. Rather, he continued Zikr-Allah and offered prayers during the times of prayers. In the evening I gave him his fixed wages and he left.

After a few days, I needed labor again, so my wife advised me that it would be better if the same young man could be found for labor even today, because he had worked very well that day.

So I went out in search of that young man, but I did not find him at the workers' base. I asked the other laborers about him after telling him about his Appearance and dress, and they said:

“He works only one day in a week and that too on Saturday. 

According to them, I went to the market on the appointed day and found that young man. I asked him for labor, so he said:

“You know about my labor and conditions, right?

I replied:

“Absolutely, I know very well.

So he came with me and worked as faithfully as before.

There was something blessed in his work that he did many days' work in one day. In the evening I was happy and gave him two dirham as a wage, but he refused to take more than the agreed wage and said:

“My need is one dirham and one daniq weekly. I have a large daily expense. If I needed anything more than that, I would have worked longer days.

Thus! the young man left with a meager salary, but he became a home in my heart.

I postponed my work until the next week and on the appointed day went out in search of the same laborer. But I didn't get him. I was told that he has been ill for several days. I asked for his residence address and reached there

I saw that he was seriously ill. He has a brick under his head. I greeted him and put his head in my lap. He immediately removed his head and said:

“My friend, do not be deceived by the blessings of the world. Age is ending and one day all blessings will end. When you go to the cemetery with a funeral, think that one day your funeral will be carried out in the same way.

After that he added:

“O Abdullah! When my soul leaves, please bathe me and shroud me in the same old clothes. Give this cloak and jug to the one who digs my grave as wages. Deliver this ring of mine to caliph Haroon al-Rashid. Keep in mind that this trust should be given in his hands and not given to anyone. Show him this ring when he rides out, he will call you himself.

When that young man died, I arranged his burial according to his will. Then I went to Baghdad to deliver the trust to the Caliph. I sat in the road waiting for Khalifa Haroon al-Rashid to ride out.

When the king's ride passed, I said in a loud voice:

“O Commander of the Faithful! I owe you this one. At the same time, I showed the ring”.

When the king saw that ring, he got worried and postponed his sightseeing program. He ordered his porter to bring this man to me

So I attended the king's house. Amirul Momineen took me close to him and said:

“Who are you and where do you come from?

I submitted:

“My name is Abdullah bin Faraj and I come from such and such area.

The Khalifa then asked how this ring reached you.

I told him the entire incident of this young laborer from the beginning to the end.

Hearing my words, Haroon-ul-Rashid began to cry profusely and began to kiss my hands, with which I had bathed the young man. He began to hit my chest again and again.

Then he asked me:

“Will you take me to the grave of that young man?

I said:

“Why not, Ameerul Momineen I am present in every way.

Then I dared to ask him:

“O Amirul Momineen! What was your relationship with that young man?

The king replied:

“That young laborer was my son.

After hearing this, I apologized to him that I kept taking labor etc. from your prince. Then I asked:

“How did this condition of the prince happen?

The Caliph replied:

“This son of mine was very virtuous, pious and ascetic. He had very good training. He also memorized The Holy Quran. He used to spend time in the assembly of the elders and often went to the graveyard to remember his death. Sometimes he used to come in front of the ministers and princes in the assembly of me, that is, the king, in a pauper's dress and taught us the lesson of disinterest in the world.

One day, on the advice of the members of the empire, I warned him about his behavior that you have humiliated me in front of all the people. He did not answer me but went to his mother and said:

“I have decided not to humiliate my father any more and migrate from here.

We tried hard to stop him but he did not obey. He had made the final decision to leave home. While walking, with my advice, his mother had given him this precious ring so that he could sell it and bring it to his work at the time of need.

But what did I know that he will not be able to meet me again and despite being the son of the king, he will support himself by doing labor. Alas, he did not benefit from my kingdom and thus died abandoned in a foreign land.

Unfortunately, his mother is not alive today to share my sorrow. This boy of mine was so indifferent to the world that even this precious ring was returned to us when he died.

Abdullah bin Faraj says:

“Hearing these painful words of the Khalifa, I also started to cry. After that, the Caliph intended to accompany me to his grave. I took the Caliph to the graveyard in the dark of night and showed him the grave of his prince.

The Khalifa sat by his son's grave all night and wept bitterly and read very painful poems. Later, he promised me that he would take me to his grave whenever I wanted. I promised them about this.

 After that, the Caliph would often visit his son's grave and spend the whole night crying.


Thank You

A Learning Point






